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[PowerPoint] 1. welcome and introduction olof och susanna
[PowerPoint] 7. weadwenture
[PDF] Agenda climathon lund eng
[PDF] Agenda climathon lund swe 002
[PDF] Climate-kic theory of change 20 dec 2017
[PDF] Outcomes and recommendations extraordinaryassembly 19122017
[PowerPoint] Susanna bruzell 170516
[PowerPoint] 10. clp17 intro sara
[PowerPoint] 2. 170516 climatekic tillborg
[PDF] 3. mikkel och henrik
[PDF] 5. greinon climatekic 170516
[PDF] 8. enjay climate kic workshop
[PDF] C-kic lund mrummukainen 2017-05-16
[PDF] Climate kic sparks lecture 24 may 2018 5
[PDF] Climate kic workshop lund 16 may 2017 003
[PDF] Ecircular press release
[PDF] Eit-climate-kic-call-to-action-1
[PDF] Eit-climate-kic-propoosal-guidelines-2019-2020
[PDF] Eit climate-kic priorities 2018 v1-5-min
[PDF] Flyer - climate kic greenhouse 2017.11.03